Mountain Pathways simply cannot meet annual expenses based solely on tuition income.
We are required to ask for donations from within and outside the community in order to fulfill our educational mission. As a 501(c)3 non-profit, all donations are 100% tax deductible. Any financial support you are able to offer is appreciated.
Though we do not look upon our position in the area’s educational community as competitive, it is true that Mountain Pathways charges tuition for a service that children over the age of three can receive for free from a very good public school system. This forces us to excel in ways that are nothing short of astounding. We would not have survived in this system for a quarter of a century if this was not true.
But, we can always get better.
Please consider giving today. We are preparing our students for a world that is changing faster than most of us can fathom. The greatest asset to a citizen of the future is the positive self-image that comes from our approach to educating the Whole Child. Every child at Mountain Pathways is educated as an individual who is also a part of a community. The results are obvious when you talk to one of these children. Visit us today and consider helping us on our mission. We know you will see that it is truly a mission worth supporting.
If you’re ready to make a tax-deductible donation today, you may send a donation to us through PayPal by clicking the “Donate” button on the left sidebar.
If you cannot support us financially, but have educational items that may be of value to our teachers and students, contact us at